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Helping Build Deeper Relationships

Leading Certified Enneagram Coach & Licensed Therapist

It's time to go deeper with yourself — and the ones around you.

Life makes it easy to feel disconnected. We hide our desires to please others. We turn off our emotions so we can handle high-stress jobs. We spend years focused on raising kids and lose sight of the spouse beside us. Before we know it, we've lost our sense of self and how we relate to others
But you don't have to stay lost. There is a way to find your inner clarity and live the life you want, with compassion and confidence.
man embracing his girlfriend
I'm Laura Nechanicky-Booth, a licensed marriage and family therapist who has helped hundreds of people — just like you — on this journey. I use a combination of therapy and enneagram techniques to give you practical insights and skills for more meaningful connections. This isn't like traditional therapy. It's coaching designed to propel you into the future you want to create. Are you ready?


Together, let's help you find your infinite clarity.


We start by digging deep into your identity. We discover what drives you, what holds you back, and what you need from the people around you.

Get Practical

Learn the tailored strategies and skills you need to move forward, whether you're in a relationship or looking to thrive as an individual.

Make Deeper 

With new insights and skills in hand, you can experience deeper connections with yourself and others. I'll coach you
along the way!


Overview of the 9 Ennegram Types

The Enneagram (ennea = 9, gram = diagram) is a map for personal growth that identifies the 9 basic ways of relating to and perceiving the world.  It accurately describes why you think, feel and behave in particular ways based upon your Core Motivations. Understanding the Enneagram has the power to give you more self-awareness, forgiveness, and compassion for yourself and others.

In this free download, I give you the ultimate guide to understanding each enneagram types:
  • Core Fears
  • Core Desires
  • Core Weaknesses
  • Core Longings
With this understanding, you'll be empowered to better connect with yourself - and with others!
* indicates required


  • "Laura has been a great resource and guide for all things Enneagram as well as working on "Becoming Whole" - her insight and style are very non-confrontational and she has truly helped me grow. Thanks to her insight, I've really been able to make lasting changes and will be using my new tools for life. Highly recommend the program!"

    - Sande Quattlebaum

  • "Laura cares deeply for her clients. She wants to see you live the fullest in your marriage and relationships possible. She can help you break the barriers of conversation. Her support is professional and compassionate."

    - Melinda Chapman

  • "Laura's approach to coaching comes from her terrific experience in social services. Laura knew how to set me at ease and then when to ask that one question which took me to the heart of what I needed.

    With the skill of a surgeon, Laura took me to a place I came face-to-face with the reasons I reacted badly in my situation. I do not approach one of those situations today without remembering a few of the questions she asked me which laid the issue bare."

    - Trey Turner

  • "I could not have been happier with how this event went. It was revealing, inspirational, and relevant to our walk with Christ and the deepening of our marriages. I am looking forward to more opportunities to use this to advance the ministries of our church."

    - Pastor Tom Amato

  • "The most valuable thing to me about the conference was learning about the Enneagram, about the different personality types being able to utilize it in order to point both my husband and I to Christ. At first, we didn’t understand anything about the Enneagram and what it was or what it was used for!

    There is no need for any improvements. Everything went perfectly. My husband and I really enjoyed the conference. My husband said that was probably one of the best conferences he had went to."

    - Chasity

  • "My fiance and I are so grateful for this conference with Shannon and Laura! We felt that we understood each other well enough going into the conference since we are both the same number on the enneagram but this conference allowed us to dig deeper and realize where we differ within the same core desires and fears. We were given the encouragement and space to safely talk through WHY we may react or feel the way we do and identify ways to make the other feel seen, understood and reassured with meaningful truths to replace the hurtful lies we have learned to believe. I look forward to using these tools throughout our marriage and will definitely look for more opportunities to learn from Shannon and Laura! "

    - Megan lisle

  • "Laura is so personable and caring"

    - Cindy Goff

  • "Laura is wonderful at helping couples reconnect with each other and with their lives. I am pleased to recommend her." 

    - Anthony Matthews

  • "Laura is a helper at heart. Working with Laura means that you are working with someone truly caring and who looks to assist her clients in becoming the best versions of themselves. I highly recommend Laura!" 

    - Cherie Clough

  • "Laura has a unique approach to nurturing relationships and truly cares about her clients. A great person to have in your corner!" 

    - Rebecca Russell

  • Laura cares deeply for her clients. She wants to see you live the fullest in your marriage and relationships possible. She can help you break the barriers of conversation. Her support is professional and compassionate. " 

    - Melinda Chapman


  • Enneagram For Helping Professionals

    This one-day workshop offers helping health professionals as well as service providing business owners an overview of the Enneagram system with specific focus on how to incorporate the system in your work and business to support others most effectively. This workshop will offer CE credit (APA) for licensed mental therapists.

  • Saturday October 7, 2023
    8:30AM - 3:30PM
  • Enneagram For Helping Professionals

    By: Natalie Cupples Pickering, PhD, BCC, ACC Laura Nechanicky-Booth, MS, LMFT, CEC


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